
We are delighted to invite you to participate in  Nordic Clay Meeting / 3rd Symposium Clays & Ceramics 2021 on 8-10 February at the University of Latvia in Riga and online. Central Riga and its downtown area are notable for their beautiful Art Nouveau architecture , which are included on the UNESCO World Heritage List. The online event will be hosted on the Zoom platform provided by the University of Latvia.

This will be “Research in Progress” meeting with all contributions welcome, in particular in topics of:
  • clay mineralogy;
  • structural characterization of clay;
  • clay in radioactive waste systems;
  • clay minerals in circular economy.

Plenary speakers

Kalle Kirsimaë, Professor of Geology and Mineralogy at University of Tartu (Estonia)
Nicolas Michau, Engineer and R&D project manager at ANDRA (France)
Solvita Kostjukova, CEO at ALINA LLC (Latvia)

Conference Closed. Thanks to everyone who participated


The registration fee is 25 EUR (+ 0.60 EUR service fee) and 15 EUR (+ 0.60 EUR service fee) for students and Latvian Clay group members.
Once the payment completed, kindly send your invoice to [email protected]

  Listeners only register here

Payment here

Abstract submission

  Submit your abstract here

If something fails with online submission, send abstracts to [email protected]

Important dates

Abstract submission deadline extended: December 18, 2020 (PASSED)

Registration deadline: January 22, 2021 (PASSED).

Guidelines for preparing talk or poster

The allocated time for the oral presentation is 15 min (12 min presentation + 3 min questions).
The allocated time for the poster presentation is 5 min (3 min presentation + 2 min questions). The poster presentation should be resumed in 3 PowerPoint slides.

The recommended file type to be used for oral and poster presentations is PowerPoint (ppt, pptx) or Portable Document Format (pdf). Please record your oral or poster presentation in advance in order just to be used in the case of a connection problems during the presentation. Choose mp4 as your file format. Please send the slides and/or recoded presentation by e-mail before February 1, 2021 to [email protected]


Scientific Committee

Jon Fossum    Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Kalle Kirsimäe    Tartu University
Ulla Gro Nielsen    University of Southern Denmark
Reiner Dohrmann    AIPEA
Steve Hillier    The James Hutton Institute
Michael     Holmboe    Umeå University
Ilze Vircava    Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies
Liva Dzene    Universite de Haute-Alsace

Organizing Team

Rūta Ozola-Davidāne    University of Latvia
Solvita Kostjukova    Alina
Ilze Vircava    Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies
Inga Jurgelāne    Riga Technical University
Olita Medne    Riga Technical University
Valdis Segliņš    University of Latvia
Marta Jemeļjanova    University of Latvia
Līvija Zariņa    Institute of Agricultural Resources and Economics
Jūlija Karasa    University of Latvia

Conference venue

The online event will be hosted on the Zoom platform provided by the University of Latvia. The link will be sent to you shortly before the event on the email address you provided when submitting the abstract or registered as a listener only.

The on-site event will be hosted in the Academic Center for Natural Sciences, University of Latvia, Jelgavas street 1, Riga, Latvia.